sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Preventive Effects of Cocoa and Cocoa Antioxidants in Colon Cancer

Currently, in a society where prevalence of cancer is on the top of illnesses, the rythm of life that society obbey us, forcing to have an inadecuate diet and a deficit of physical exercise that increase the risk of this disease.
I´ve chosen this article because it exposes the healing properties of natural products such as cocoa known
since ancient times.

Preventive Effects of Cocoa and Cocoa Antioxidants in Colon Cancer
María Angeles Martín, Luis Goya and Sonia Ramos *
Department of Metabolism and Nutrition, Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC) Madrid, Spain
22 January 2016

 Colorectal cancer is one of the main causes of cancer-related mortality in the developed world. Carcinogenesis is a multistage process conventionally defined by the initiation, promotion and progression stages.
 Natural polyphenolic compounds can act as highly effective antioxidant and chemo-preventive agents able to interfere at the three stages of cancer. Cocoa has been demonstrated to counteract oxidative stress and to have a potential capacity to interact with multiple carcinogenic pathways involved in inflammation, proliferation and apoptosis of initiated and malignant cells. Therefore, restriction of oxidative stress and/or prevention or delayed progression of cancer stages by cocoa antioxidant compounds has gained interest as an effective approach in colorectal cancer prevention. 


Cancer is a multistage process conventionally defined by three stages: initiation, promotion and progression. Development of colon cancer typically is initiated from normal epithelial cells via aberrant crypts and progressive adenoma stages to carcinomas in situ and then metastasis. Along this process, oxidative stress has the potential to affect numerous signaling pathways related to the proliferation of initiated cells and enhanced malignant transformation .In the initiation stage, the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been involved in DNA damage and in the development of aberrant crypt foci (ACF),the earliest identifiable precancerous lesions in colon cancer. Similarly, in the post-initiation/promotion stages, ROS also contribute to abnormal gene expression and modification of second-messenger systems in epithelial cells within the ACF.
 Aerobic organisms cannot avoid free radical and ROS generation, which are produced during normal oxygen metabolism or induced by exogenous damage. In a physiological situation, cells maintain the balance between the generation and counteraction of ROS through non-enzymatic processes (mainly glutathione (GSH)) and enzymatic defenses (catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) superoxide dismutase (SOD), etc.). However, when the cellular balance is altered and antioxidant defenses overwhelmed, cells can be damaged. All of these modifications might provoke errors during DNA replication and genetic alterations, modulate transcription of redox-regulated proteins, etc., leading to enhanced cell proliferation and tumor promotion/progression.

Therefore, inhibition of oxidative stress together with the modulation of signaling routes related to cell survival/proliferation exerted by natural antioxidant compounds seems to be an effective approach in preventing and slowing down the initiation and progression of colon cancer.

Cocoa and its flavonoids are strong antioxidant substances so they can prevent the DNA damage caused by free radicals or carcinogenic agents acting through the modulation of enzymes related to oxidative stress (CAT, GR, GPx, SOD, etc.) and the alteration of the procarcinogenic metabolism by inhibiting phase I drug-metabolizing enzymes (cytochrome P450) or activating phase II conjugating-enzymes (glucuronidation, sulfation, acetylation, methylation and conjugation).

Animal studies have proven that cocoa and its main flavanols would prevent and/or slow down the initiation promotion of colon cancer. However, amounts administrated are probably higher than what a person should normally consume and, despite these doses could be achievable through supplementation, more moderate quantities of cocoa would be desirable.

In summary, daily consumption of small amounts of flavanols and procyanidins from cocoa or chocolate, together with an ordinary dietary intake of flavonoids, would constitute a natural approach to potentially prevent colon cancer with minimal toxicity. Nevertheless, cocoa and its derivative products merit further investigations, since the molecular mechanisms of action are not completely elucidated. Additionally, extensive well-controlled and well-designed human epidemiological and intervention studies are needed to fully assess the potential of cocoa in terms of optimal dose, route of administration, cancer targets and preventive activities.

10 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Colon cancer is the most prevalent and incident cancer in both men and women, so any measure to reduce their appearance would improve the quality of life of many people and increase their life expectancy. The number of cases of colon cancer has been increasing in the recent decades because of worse diet, a decrease in physical activity and weight gain, among others.

    A common recommendation in the prevention of colon cancer is the balanced diet rich in flavonoids and procyanidins, which are natural antioxidants that slow the onset of this disease.

    Flavonoids are a group of substances that could contribute to the recognized beneficial health effects of a high intake of fruits, vegetables and dairy products (juices, wine, tea and chocolate).

    A balanced diet along with daily practice of moderate exercise can become beneficial in the prevention of colon cancer.

    It would be interesting to adequately inform the public, so that everyone knows the great benefits of a correct diet. Because in a world where junk food is king , it is very hard for people to eat properly.

  3. Colon cancer is the most prevalent and incident cancer in both men and women, so any measure to reduce their appearance would improve the quality of life of many people and increase their life expectancy. The number of cases of colon cancer has been increasing in the recent decades because of worse diet, a decrease in physical activity and weight gain, among others.

    A common recommendation in the prevention of colon cancer is the balanced diet rich in flavonoids and procyanidins, which are natural antioxidants that slow the onset of this disease.

    Flavonoids are a group of substances that could contribute to the recognized beneficial health effects of a high intake of fruits, vegetables and dairy products (juices, wine, tea and chocolate).

    A balanced diet along with daily practice of moderate exercise can become beneficial in the prevention of colon cancer.

    It would be interesting to adequately inform the public, so that everyone knows the great benefits of a correct diet. Because in a world where junk food is king , it is very hard for people to eat properly.

  4. As we know, everything in this world is not good for our health if taken in excess.

    The same happens with Cocoa. Abusive quantities of Cocoa has been associated with obesity but if we were to take it in a moderate way it can be a great benefit in preventing colon cancer.

    I think it's a really interesting topic because this cancer is the most common cancer and one of the most important cause of mortality.

    As Esther pointed out I think research in natural products should also be a way to develop the treatments and prevention for diseases that don't have a cure nowadays.

  5. According to the study, diet it's a very important factor to keep in mind when we talk about colon cancer, like other process but it isn't case.

    In the prevention of cancer, we will keep in mind a lot of process because, as the paper said, is a multifactorial disease. So it is important to avoid the excess to fat food, alcohol, tobacco, between others. And introduce healthy food like fibre and food with antioxidants like cocoa, but always with moderation.

    All this can help yours natural antioxidants to do their job, and avoid that they will be overwhelmed. Furthermore, you will feel better if you maintain a healthy diet and do some exercise.

    By the other hand, colorrectal is a very important cause of mortality and morbidity in developed countries, so it is worth consider the merit of cocoa and others antioxidants in our diet to reduce the colorectal cancer incidence.

  6. Everyday more and more aliments have been studied in which way they interfere with the human body and even more if they are linked to some kind of cancer, which is so prevalent and alarming in our race.

    It is known that colon cancer is very common in developed countries and has also been linked to a large amount of processed food. This is very alarming since almost all of us eat processed food in one way or another. Therefore it is important to have these natural counter measures, since there is so many predisponents.

    Antioxidants are a fairly recent topic known for society, and a good job has been done in spreading the word about its benefits, but I think people shouldn’t rely on them for “everything”. Don’t get me wrong I do think these kinds of studies have great importance and a breakthrough can be accomplished if they found the mechanism of how it works and why it works, but most of all I think that there are so many other causes and so many other factors that take bigger place in developing, or not, such diseases. Nevertheless there are benefits in implementing Antioxidants in a diet with moderation.

  7. One thing that I liked from this article is that it begins with a clear explanation of the colorrectal cancer onset process. We have studied it this year, and it is always a good idea to make a quick review about such an important disease. And it has made me realize the importance of understending the development of chronic diseases; because it's easier to find a way to stop them than to cure them. And if we found a way to prevent cancer, lots of people will be benefitted.

    Also, as my classmates have said, collorrectal cancer is one of the most prevalent causes of death in our society; and I think that we should investigate anything that could help prevent it. What I didn't imagine is that cocoa would have the anioxidant properties that seem to protect against cancer. I agree with everybody in saying that the benefits of cocoa have to be further studied, as well as other natural substances with similar properties, but the article gives some hope about them.

  8. Colon cancer is the most incident one (Without taking into account gender). We do know that diet is so important in this cancer: A diet rich in processed food is a risk factor for this cancer, whereas a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is a protective factor and, according to this article, cocoa and its derivative products protect for this cancer too due to their antioxidant properties.

    Prevention is always better than treating something that already exists and not just for the patient (Since if we avoid cancer cases, we avoid their consequences such as physical symptoms or the anxiety related to its diagnose)but for the health care system because
    prevention activities imply fewer system resources.

    Cocoa and its derivative products have to be further studied in order to prevent as many cases as possible.

  9. To conclute, this article shows the antioxidative effects of Cocoa that relate with the evolution of cancer, especially, colorectal cancer, the most prevalent cancer in our society.
    Besides this property, we also know others properties linked with cocoa intake: anti-inflammatory effects and antiproliferative and apoptotic effects, also beneficial for the erradication of cancer.
    This product was already used in pre-Columbian tribes over 5 centuries ago.
    In my opinion, it´s importantly to know the great qualities of natural products in such deadly diseases such a cancer, which is the most prevalent illness in our society nowadays.
    Often, we should analyze what nature gives us and not focus only on the development of new drugs that on the one hand improve the disease studied, but on the other hand can cause us seriously damage. For example, in this case, cocoa has been deleted of our daily diet because of the continuous attacks that relate it to obesity ; however, here, the benefits of coca for our health have been revealed. Therefore , it is a good time to re- include cocoa in our diet in moderation , of course , everything in excess is also detrimental.

  10. One thing that I liked from this article is that it begins with a clear explanation of the colorrectal cancer onset process. Traffic Racing
