miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

May Zika virus increase risk of mental illness?

Every day we have more and more information about Zika Virus but, I think we don’t have all the information that we should have.

There are lots of doubts and questions to answer, lots of information we don’t know yet. For this reason many labs around the world are studying this virus and they are fighting to get the best studies and information in order to be a referent in this field.

I found this article in The New York Times (written by Donald G. McNeil Jr. on 18th February) and I’m sharing it because it talks about one of the many questions that Zika virus generates. It talks about the relation that there may be between mental illnesses and Zika virus, based on past information that labs have about the relationship between mental illnesses and viral infections during pregnancy.

Could the Zika virus be a cause of a future mental illness? If the labs prove it, could the science create some primary prevention of these illnesses? How will the sight of mental illnesses and virus infection during pregnancy change?

Zika May Increase Risk of Mental Illness, Researchers Say
Global Health
By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. FEB. 18 , 2016
A baby with a shrunken, misshapen head is surely a heartbreaking sight. But reproductive health experts are warning that microcephaly may be only the most obvious consequence of the spread of the Zika virus.
Even infants who appear normal at birth may be at higher risk for mental illnesses later in life if their mothers were infected during pregnancy, many researchers fear.
The Zika virus, they say, closely resembles some infectious agents that have been linked to the development of autism, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia and other debilitating mental illnesses have no single cause, experts emphasized in interviews. The conditions are thought to arise from a combination of factors, including genetic predisposition and traumas later in life, such as sexual or physical abuse, abandonment or heavy drug use.
But illnesses in utero, including viral infections, are thought to be a trigger.
“The consequences of this go way beyond microcephaly,” said Dr. W. Ian Lipkin, who directs The Center for Infection and Immunityat Columbia University.
Among children in Latin America and the Caribbean, “I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a big upswing in A.D.H.D., autism, epilepsy and schizophrenia,” he added. “We’re looking at a large group of individuals who may not be able to function in the world.”
Researchers in Brazil are investigating thousands of reports of microcephalic births. While there is no solid proof that Zika virus is the cause, virologists studying the outbreak strongly suspect it.
Although the virus was discovered in 1947, there has been no research into its long-term consequences. Scientists are left to draw inferences from what is known of similar infections.
In interviews, psychiatric researchers specializing in fetal development agreed with Dr. Lipkin’s pessimistic prognosis.
A viral attack early in pregnancy can kill a fetus or stunt the growing brain, producing microcephaly, they explained. An infection later in the fetus’s development, when the brain is nearly fully formed, can do damage that is less obvious but still significant.
“It is pretty scary,” said Dr. Urs Meyer, a behavioral neurobiologistat the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich who studies the consequences of fetal infections in lab animals. “These problems are on a continuous scale, and whether you end up with autism or schizophrenia is complex — and we really can’t predict it.”
Evidence has increased for years that mental illnesses may be linked to exposure during pregnancy to viruses like rubella, herpes and influenza, and to parasites like Toxoplasma gondii.
“It can happen with a variety of viruses and other infectious agents, but we don’t know how often,” said Dr. E. Fuller Torrey, executive director of the Stanley Medical Research Institute in Chevy Chase, Md.
Dr. Torrey noted that Rosemary Kennedy, sister of President of John F. Kennedy, was born in 1918 during the Spanish flu epidemic. She suffered mental disabilities as a child and developed schizophrenia-like symptoms at age 20. Although some historians have attributed her disabilities to a lack of oxygen at birth, Dr. Torrey believes that viral infection in utero is “the most likely” explanation.
The possibility that in utero infection could contribute to mental illness first emerged with an observation in 1988 by Finnish researchers that children born during the 1957 “Asian flu”epidemic had high rates of schizophrenia later in life.
Researchers have long noted that schizophrenia is highest in adults who were born in winter and early spring — just after the peak of flu season.
But estimates of the size of the risk vary. One 2011 analysis of other studies estimated that maternal infections of any kind account for 6 percent of all cases of schizophrenia. (Researchers have done very large studies in Finland, Sweden and Denmark because they have cradle-to-grave records on millions of citizens.)
By contrast, a 2001 study of adults born to mothers infected with rubella, or German measles, during the last American epidemic, which lasted from 1964 to 1965, found that 20 percent had schizophrenia symptoms. The expected rate among adults is below 1 percent.
Dr.Alan S. Brown,director of birth cohort studies at the Columbia University Medical School and leader of that study, said it was “certainly possible” that Zika poses a similar risk, “although ideally you’d want a controlled study.”
Although children may be troubled, the hallucinations, voices and paranoia of true schizophrenia do not normally emerge until late adolescence, “when there is a lot of rearranging and pruning in the brain,” said Dr.Robert H. Yolken, a developmental neurovirologist at Johns Hopkins University, who also believes that Zika increases mental illness risk.
The effects of Zika mimic those of rubella, some experts noted: Both cause only a mild rash in adults, but can cause stillbirths, microcephaly and eye malformations in newborns.
In the 1964-65 rubella epidemic, about 20,000 newborns suffered consequences, including 11,000 born deaf, 3,500 born blind — and at least 1,800 in whom mental problems were later diagnosed.
That epidemic infected an estimated 12 million Americans. More than 500 million people live in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to which the World Health Organization has predicted that Zika will spread.
Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin, a rubella expert, said it was possible that children who survive maternal Zika infections with no signs of microcephaly could still suffer mental deficits as they grow.
“Any virus in the blood of a pregnant woman is a risk to the fetus, so ultimately there may be damage,” he said. His own work as a pediatrician showed that many children who survived the 1964-65 epidemic “suffered from autism, learning disabilities and behavioral disabilities.”
The Zika virus seems to zero in on nerve cells even more than does rubella, which also causes heart defects, for example.
Pathologists in Ljubljana, Slovenia, who dissected a microcephalic fetus aborted at 32 weeks by a European woman who had become pregnant in Brazil reported last week that they found “severe fetal brain injury associated with ZIKV infection with vertical transmission” — meaning the Zika virus had come from the mother’s infection.
But a pathogen may not even have to reach the fetus to cause damage.
Flu viruses do not cross the placenta, Dr. Meyer of the Swiss Institute noted, but the mother’s immune reaction creates a storm of cytokines, some of which do. Cytokines are small “signaling” proteins that can cause cells to stop growing.
How much damage is done depends not just on the virus and the mother’s immune response, but on which stage of pregnancy the infection strikes.
First-trimester infections may cause brain tissue to calcify and die; later ones may have subtler, but still insidious, effects.
For example, Dr. Lipkin of the Columbia immunity center said his lab in 2010 infected pregnant mice with a synthetic RNA virus that replicated in fetal mouse brains. The results were wildly unpredictable.
“If you infected them halfway through gestation, the offspring were withdrawn — they sat in a corner of their cage and didn’t interact at all,” he said. “If you did it two-thirds of the way through, they were hyperactive.”
Reports suggest that Brazil, which was facing economic crises even before the Zika outbreak, has little capacity to cope with a surge of mentally disabled children.
European researchers initially paid little attention to the South American outbreak, Dr. Meyer said. But that has changed.
“The information we’re hearing now is just overwhelming,” he said. “A whole generation of children might be affected.”

8 comentarios:

  1. First of all, I have to say that this is a really interesting article; and I have liked it very much.
    I knew that Zika virus infection in the early stages of pregnancy could cause microcephaly, because it is the most spectacular symptom in newborns and it is what has appeared in the news. But I had no idea about the other problems likely associated to this infection. Just to think that schizophrenia could be triggered by an infection that the mother almost doesn't notice is really scary, and this has made me change my point of view about the Zika virus.
    Before reading this article, I thought that this infection only caused microcephaly. This is a dramatic consequence, of course, but the newborns who present this condition have a short life expectancy. It's really sad, but at least they don't suffer. On the other hand, those who will develop schizophrenia or other mental disorders in their adulthood, will have to cope with the stigma and the loneliness all their life. And they will suffer much more, because they won't fit in the society (or it will be very difficult for them).
    I have realized something else reading this article; and it is that there are lots of infections (many of them harmless in other circumstances) that can affect the fetal development. I think that future mothers should have this information to prevent mental illnesses in their newborn children, because primary prevention is the best way to avoid this kind of severe consequences.
    Finally, I think that this article is a great way to become aware of the importance of women's health during pregnancy.

  2. I have found very relevant this publication of the New York Times for the study of this new virus which most of people hadn´t known and in the last times it has become in one of the most topical news.
    It exposes other consequences of the Zika virus that until now they were not related with the illness and in long term can cause serious repercussions for future generations.
    Due to it doesn´t cause an imminent vital risk like other diseases such as ebola, anybody has taken enough measures for prevention and eradication; however, psychiatric problems could be more drastic than organic problems because the first ones affect a large part of population throughout its existence.

    On the other hand, under my point of view, it should be convenient that articles of that kind were available to all in order to be aware of the effects of this virus and other ones more common, improving the prevention.

  3. At this moment in time, Zika virus is a controversial issue that produces many problems today, and it could cause even more in the future. Zika virus infection during pregnancy appears to increase the risk of some form of mental illness throughout life such as autism, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. The virus behaves as a trigger of these diseases. Pregnant women should avoid any type of contact with the virus since this is a critical moment for the fetus. The measures could be directed to primary prevention, early diagnosis and, ultimately, abortion. First of all, primary prevention could reduce the number of cases of infected women, decreasing the number of infected babies. Finding methods for preventing the virus during pregnancy would be a good way to eliminate or reduce the number of patients or complications throughout life. Another way to primary prevention may be to inform the population correctly, so people know how this virus is transmitted and how to avoid becoming infected. Perhaps, another option could be an early diagnosis and the possibility of abortion. However, abortion is prohibited in these countries which will cause a generation of children with mental disorders and the problems this entails. The virus in newborns cause both family problems and increased health spending. A health spending that many families cannot afford. In these countries, changing laws in favor of abortion in these cases would be a good measure to prevent the increase of children with microcephaly, mental problems, and social stigma. To sum up, accurate early diagnostic and prevention could decrease the number of cases of sick children, and future health spending could improve the quality of life of millions of children and their families.

  4. To begin with I like to say I liked this paper because I hadn't enough information to talk about this. Now i think that we haven't enough information still, maybe because the authorities haven't this information or maybe they have it but they don't care the world know.

    In my opinion, it is very important to raise public awareness appropriately inform everybody about Zika's effects. Health service must to do awareness programs risks, and try to prevent new cases and control this epidemic.

    Certainly, now there are a lot of childrens affected and they will need a lot of help to survive and will appear new cases of schizophrenia and other mental diseases, and they and their families will need support, specific treatments and some medications, a lot of this too expensive for them to afford them. Therefore, they should be helped to cope with the disease, now and in the future.

    While, the governments should to find a vaccine to fight Zika's virus to vaccinate the entire population affected and prevent these terrible effects.

    In conclusion we need more information about Zika's virus, how is their lifecycle, if it have many differents mutations, we need to know whether the virus could become a global pandemic and put all our efforts to avoid it while health service finds an effective solution.

  5. thanks for all the information, may be useful for others. Do not forget to keep the spirit. obat pereda nyeri persendian

  6. Zika virus infection causes mild rush in adults, but experts hint that it can also have damaging effects in babies of pregnant women who get infected. I thought the only damaging effect was microcephaly but it can also cause stillbirths and long-terms effects such as ADHD, autism, epilepsy and schizophrenia.If the virus damages the baby in the early stages of the pregnancy, the damage is worse.

    Last year, an important Zika outbreak was reported in Brasil and other countries of South America. It seems like this outbreak has taken the health institutions by surprise since we do not know much about Zika and its effects.

    It has been a cause of great surprise to me that other infections like rubella, herpes or influenza can cause mental illnesses so I think that explaining pregnant women the importance of going to the doctor as soon as they feel any symptom (since the effects to their babies can be so damaging, even fatal),it's so important.

    Furthermore, institutions advice women to delay getting pregnant until the outbreak is under control or more about Zika effects is known, which I think is a sensible initiative.

  7. Thank you Àngels, very interesting article.
    Most of the people were aware about the microcephaly as a consequence of Zika infections during the pregnancy, but they didn’t know, including me, that depending on the stage of gestation could have more discrete and silent effects such as ADHD, schizophrenia, autism etc. This is important to know, because these kind of diseases have a huge impact on the people who suffers them, and how they interact with the world, so if the Doctors and researchers would have know this possible effects from the beginning and had more information, maybe they would have taken this outbreak more seriously from the start, and by informing the population, they would have reduced the victims of the long term effects that this virus can cause.

  8. Thanks for all of your comments, they are very interesting.

    I’m happy to see I’m not the only person who hadn’t enough information about Zika’s virus. Knowing that, I agree with all your opinions and I think I can say that all of us agree all the population need to know more and more about this virus, its effects, lifecycle and early diagnosis other than microcephaly (the most common and known effect).

    Reading your comments, I think we live in a world where the information is not arriving everywhere. Why don’t we have all this information? Maybe we won’t know it, but we agree this information has to arrive to everybody, mainly to prevent lots of mental diseases triggered by an infection.

    All of you have mentioned primary prevention and how important it’s for future mothers. I think that’s the most important point in a way to prevent this virus and its effects. Maybe we’ll be able to use an early diagnosis, abortion and the information, being the last one the point where we can work on the most and achieving the greatest social impact. If we achieve it, we’ll be able to prevent not only health problems, but also social and economical problems, because Zika’s virus has serious repercussions for future generations in all fields and also for health systems and Governments too.

    So, primary prevention is essential to avoid the severe consequences from infections during pregnancy. If we don’t make primary prevention maybe there will be more social and economical problems with these families which will be suffering the effects from Zika’s virus.

    As a conclusion, we need and we have the obligation to know more about Zika’s virus in all its essence and not only resigning ourselves to know from mass media. Also we have to give more importance to women’s health during pregnancy.
